Welcome to ElyJenn Detention 
ElyJenn Detention Services management team has operated juvenile detention and youth services facilities for over 25 years. ElyJenn has experience in operating Psychiatric Hospitals, Resident Treatment Centers, Alternative Schools and Mental Health Outpatient Clinics located all across the United States. ElyJenn places emphasis on the use of supervision, inspections, accountability and clearly defined policy and procedures to promote a safe and orderly operation.
Tennessee Valley Juvenile Detention Center
2216 Missouri Street
Tuscumbia AL.
Phone: 256-381-3520
Proudly Serving: Colbert, Cullman, Franklin, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Limestone, Marion, Morgan, Fayette, Lamar and Winston Counties of North Alabama with a population of over 582,923
Upper East Tennessee Regional Juvenile Detention Facility
307 Wesley Street
Johnson City, TN
Phone: 423-282-2133

Proudly Serving: Carter, Green, Hawkins, Johnson, Sullivan, Unicoi and Washington Counties of North East Tennessee with a population of over 468,626
Director of TVJDC Services
(256) 381-3520

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